In Defense of Imperium of Man

Imperium of Man (from Warhammer 40 000) is often seen as a fascist, totalitarian state with absolutely no redeeming qualities other than “keeps humanity alive” – a hideous amalgman of Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, North Korea, European Union, Imperial Japan, Roman Empire, Byzantine era of Roman Empire and George Orwell’s 1984. It is genocidal, xenophobic, … More In Defense of Imperium of Man

Godzilla 40.000 – How Large Would Warhammer 40k Godzilla be?

As skyline has grown, so has Godzilla. Each new iteration was somewhat larger from the previous one. So if Godzilla existed at the turn of 41st Millenium, how large would it have been? For this, let’s first look at how Godzilla has progressed historically in the live-action movies (1,: So we have this situation: As … More Godzilla 40.000 – How Large Would Warhammer 40k Godzilla be?

How Large is the Imperial Navy in Warhammer 40k

Warhammer 40 000 is my favorite science fiction setting by far. In large part it is because it is not science fiction, but rather fantasy with sci-fi veneer. It has it all: heroes and villains, knights, demons, zombies and more. And being space fantasy, it also has that staple of space opera: large interstellar starships. … More How Large is the Imperial Navy in Warhammer 40k

Why Female Space Marines Make No Sense

Recently, there has been push for more “female representation” in Warhammer 40.000. This includes female guardsmen as well as female Space Marines. But neither makes much sense, and especially the latter. I will be discussing here why female Space Marines do not make sense. There already are female Space Marines First reason why female Space … More Why Female Space Marines Make No Sense